I can and I will. Watch Me


Over the last 6 years I have been studying towards becoming a fee earner in a law firm. But I will be honest with you my dream started 10 years ago when I left high school. I had always dreamed of becoming a fee earner but I doubted my ability to be successful so I settled for working as support staff in a law firm which I thought was the next best thing.

However, 6 years ago a colleague of mine asked me to go and work with him at another law firm. I accepted and I gave him my CV to forward to the HR department and upon reading my CV he read the bottom section “future goals” and in that section it read “My goal is to transition from legal secretary to paralegal through studying with the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and become a fee earner”. I had never expressed this to my colleague so he was shocked when he read it but nonetheless, he told me he would arrange this if it was what I really wanted to do and I informed him it was and it had been my dream for a very long time.

In September 2010 I embarked on the CILEx course part-time whilst working full-time as a legal secretary. Each year I took exams and passed them and I realised I had a passion for employment law however, nothing changed in my job role. That was until I got an email regarding a job that had become available in Dubai in October 2014. I applied for the job but I didn’t believe i would get it. I thought there would be much better candidates applying and I doubted my abilities once again. To my surprise, I was made an offer for the position in November 2014. I flew out to Dubai in January 2015 as a very scared and nervous girl to take up the position of legal secretary but when I arrived in the office the office manager mentioned there would be room for me to grow and pursue my career as a fee earner.

In June 2015, a partner joined the firm who specialises in corporate and employment law. I now work closely with him and I am getting lots of experience with employment law.

The reason I am writing this post is because today an invoice went to a client with my time and fees billed on it. I am officially a fee earner!

I have reached my goal and the self-doubt has been dissolved. When I got the offer to move to Dubai I was extremely unsure of whether or not to go. I was scared everyone back home would forget me, that I wouldn’t make new friends, that I would hate the job and mostly that I would fail. I was in my comfort zone in Manchester with the friends I had known since school and a good steady job. I was plodding along with life quite nicely and Dubai was out of my comfort zone. But as the quote at the top of this post says, outside of your comfort zone is where the magic happens! and I can honestly say I now believe in magic and that your dreams do come true if only you have the courage to pursue them. I’m have evolved from that scared little girl into a courageous woman since moving to Dubai and anyone who knows me, knows that that in itself is a great magical accomplishment.

Anyone reading this who is thinking about giving up on their dreams, DON’T!! The only way you can fail is if you give up. You will make them come true, as long as you keep going.  Believe in yourself, Trust yourself, Love yourself and Accept yourself. And do all this even when no one else does. Be your biggest fan. There were times when I doubted myself but I never gave up and look what happened, my dream came true and yours can too.

Repeat after me…I CAN and I WILL

I push people away when all I really want is someone to hug me and tell me…its going to be okay

People with low self-esteem are more likely to sabotage themselves when something good happens to them, because they don’t feel deserving.

Have you ever met someone and just instantly clicked with them? You can’t explain it but you feel like you’ve known them forever. And then after a while you begin to like that person more than just a friend, you develop feelings for them but then suddenly out of nowhere something shifts inside of you. You begin to get anxious, fear creeps into your mind and like a Jack Russell it just won’t stop tugging at your leg! No matter how much you like this person or how much they like you, that annoying Jack Russell won’t let you go any further with them. You end it, even though you don’t want to or you tell yourself all the reasons why it won’t work between you two and push them away.

Well I am here to tell you that the annoying Jack Russell is you! You have decided that you are not good enough for this person and eventually once they see the real you they will realise this and leave you, alone and heartbroken. Jack has protected you once again from getting hurt. But he has also prevented you from falling in love with a wonderful person whom you care about very much.

When you don’t love who you are on the inside you hurt yourself on the outside through sabotaging your relationships, friendships, job opportunities and new paths you really want to take in life. This is because deep down you don’t feel good enough and fear you might fail or be rejected. So you give up before you even begin. Instead of stepping forward into growth you step back into your comfort zone. You get back with that ex who cheated on you instead of pursuing that new relationship with your favourite person, you stick with your old job instead of going starting up your own business or you stop exercising and eating healthy instead of sticking to your new healthy lifestyle. Self-sabotage and self-destruction are a problem because they interfere with your long-standing goals. Marriage and children with your favourite person, being your own boss and doing what you love or having a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Sometimes we have an unconscious need to be in control. If we feel something is bound to fail because it’s ‘too good to last’, we might engineer its failure somehow so as to maintain a sense that we are still in control (because we caused it to fail). Or maybe we’re so used to situations not working out or to being around ‘dysfunctional people’ that it feels easier to ‘put a spanner in the works’ by behaving in some way that either worsens or destroys something promising – a kind of ‘better the devil you know’. Whatever the reason, it is you who is standing in the way of living the life of your dreams and that means if you are the reason, you are also the solution. You have the power to change your life into exactly what you want by changing you conditioning, thinking and behaviour. If you aren’t growing you are dying so push forward into growth and living life.

Remember that success isn’t black or white; it’s all relative. So remember that becoming successful (in whatever way) won’t feel so strange when it happens, because it is a natural part of being human. Successful relationships, for example, don’t work well all of the time; earning good money doesn’t solve all problems. All of life is an exploration. Imagine if Cinderella had decided she really couldn’t go to the ball, even when she had the opportunity; or if the ugly duckling had concluded it wasn’t ‘good enough’ to fly high with the swans. Being open to life means seeing where certain experiences will take you and accepting openly the good as well as the bad. Of course, if something really isn’t working or it genuinely isn’t for you, that’s fine; but if it’s really a reluctance to explore life and to experience the good and healthy, then it is an area that needs some self-work.

It’s time to get rid of that Jack Russell and step forward into the life of your dreams!

Your largest fear carries your biggest growth

What are you afraid of? What are your fears? Because everyone is afraid of something. What is it that’s holding you back from living the life of your dreams? Fear of death, Fear of loneliness, Fear of not being loved, Fear of becoming successful, Fear of not having physical security, Fear of failure, Fear of rejection, Fear of abandonment, Fear of not being good enough, Fear of letting people down, Fear of people depending on you. Whatever it is that you are afraid of is putting a limit on your life and keeping you stuck living a life you don’t enjoy. Fear prevents growth and true happiness.
You can either live your dreams or live your fears. Most people don’t work on their dreams, why? Because of Fear. If you act, think or speak from a place of fear you will never have or do what you dream of because you are blocking it from yourself, you are holding yourself back with your fears.
Last night I went for dinner and drinks with some friends. Whilst catching up with them over a delicious glass of wine I noticed a man who I thought was cute. He looked right at me and I instantly looked away from him. I tried over the course of the evening to make eye contact with him again but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I asked myself why? Why couldn’t you look that man in the eye? My answer was because I was scared. I was afraid he would maintain eye contact and approach me and then I would have to explain about my leg. I was frightened that once I explained about my leg he might reject me or he wouldn’t and we would chat and exchange numbers. I was scared we would go on dates and I would start to like him more than a friend and I would begin to give him the key to my happiness. If it got to that stage I was afraid he would eventually abandon me once he realised he could have another girl who was much prettier than me, funnier than me and had two normal legs.
That negative spiral of thoughts made me realise that deep down I have a belief that I am unloveable and not good enough for a man romantically because I have one leg shorter than the other. Even if I dated a guy and he told me he loved my leg and loved me I would be in a constant state of anxiety because my fear that he would abandon me eventually would be triggered every time he did or said anything that was slightly unloving or not how I would expect him to act or speak. I’ve been working on myself a lot lately so I know I can change this belief and face my fear. I want to fall in love and get married and have a family but I know the only person that is preventing that from happening is me. I am holding myself back. I have done my whole life that is why I have never had a boyfriend or been in love. With friends I know they all love me and won’t abandon me, I have unwavering faith in that but my fear arises when it comes to romance. I’m scared a man will abandon me at some point once he finds the part of me that I feel deep down is unloveable. Over the years I’ve accepted myself and began to love myself but there is still a part that needs some work. I know this fear isn’t going to go away, fear is a part of life, I need to embrace my fear and do the thing that scares me the most.
As you can tell from this blog post, what I fear the most is being abandoned by a man I like romantically or even love. The one thing I want most in life is to fall in love, get married and have a family. To make that dream come true I must face my fear. My fear is just a way of thinking which I learned and created myself. If I learned and created my fear that means I can control it. If I can control it that means I can unlearn it and learn a new healthy way of thinking that will help me reach my dreams. I wouldn’t reject someone I loved because of a physical disability so the chances are that most people won’t reject me either. And even if they do, that says much more about them than it does about me.
What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. Have courage, be brave and expose yourself to your fears. When you embrace your own personal value and become secure in who you are then you become a winner. Accept yourself beyond your fears. Personally, I prefer rejection over regret, I don’t want to be on my death bed thinking ‘what if I had told the man I love how I felt and that I wanted to be with him’. ‘What if’ failed to show up for her own life, she never went to the arena. ‘Failure’ tried and gave it all she had, she showed up in her own life and has no regrets. Don’t be afraid to fail and be paralyzed by your fear. Fear is not real, it is a product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. And that is insanity!

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

Self-doubt is a lack of faith or confidence in oneself and one’s abilities. I personally suffer a lot from this when I try something new, something out of my comfort zone. For example, when I found out I was moving to Dubai I doubted my ability to make friends. Even though I have a solid friendship group in my hometown I had thoughts such as “what if the new people don’t get me like my friends do?” “what if they don’t like me or think I’m weird?” “what if I don’t make any friends and have to come home and everyone thinks I’m a failure?”. So many thoughts were racing through my mind and that was before I even got on the plane!

Recently two of my close friends have been suffering with self-doubt. The first is Jessica who I met when I first arrived in Dubai and we have been friends ever since (so you see, I punched my own self-doubt in the face!). Jessica is a very attractive young lady. I call her the “vamp” because she gives off an alluring seductive vibe when she is dressed up for a night out. Jessica has a passion for fitness and clean eating so she loves to cook and bake healthy sweet treats which led her to start a blog. This is when I first noticed her self-doubt. After she cooked a dish she would make comments like “I’m not sure its good enough” and when she created a food or fitness post “what if I’m posting too many and people get annoyed”. As time went on she put more pressure on her cooking skills and got very critical of her abilities (she admits she is her own worst critic). Jessica got attached to her posts being a success and her self-doubt started to influence her mind. I have tasted nearly every dish Jessica has cooked and believe me each one is divine and tastes incredible but for some reason she couldn’t praise her own abilities. But when Jessica received positive feedback and more people began to follow her, it made her believe she was motivating people with her posts. She began to believe in herself and tell herself she has got what it takes to become a success. That’s when her self-doubt began to ease.


The second friend is a very close guy friend who suffers with self-doubt when it comes to relationships. He has a very close girl friend who he loves very much and she loves him too. One night whilst drunk he admitted his feelings to her and said he wanted to be with her. The girl reciprocated his feelings and said she wanted to be with him also but the next day when they spoke he freaked out. His self-doubt had kicked in and he pushed her away, he told her he would let her down and she would end up hating him. Luckily, the girl understood because she also suffers with self-doubt in this area of her life and they are still very good friends now. I know my friend loves this girl with all his heart but he is plagued with so much self-doubt that he is sabotaging his chance of happiness with her.


Even though both of my friends doubt themselves in different areas of their lives it all comes from the same place, a place of fear. They both have a little voice in their head that says “you’re not good enough”, “you’re not good enough to do a healthy lifestyle blog” “you’re not good enough for that girl”. Self-doubt can literally hold you back from living the life of your dreams, it blocks you from all the good things and people you deserve in life.


If you find yourself being pulled into negative thoughts stemming from past experiences or comments from others, staying present is key to being able to focus on the positive. When your critical inner voice strikes telling you “you’re not good enough” you have to counter that with a positive statement about yourself. Find one thing you like about yourself and keep repeating it over and over. Don’t play the victim and ask “why me? why do I feel this way?”, empower yourself and do something about the way you think. Talk to your friends and family who love you and will give you reassurance, if you don’t have that support group talk to a therapist or a coach and figure out a way to conquer those feelings. Fear-based decision making keeps you in your comfort zone and safe but it doesn’t get you that blog you’ve always dreamed of to inspire others to be healthy and it doesn’t get you the love of your life and the family you have always craved. Nothing in life is certain. Just because one relationship ended up in you getting hurt or you hurting someone else doesn’t mean the next one will. Just because one person doesn’t like your food or blog posts doesn’t mean you should give up because the next person you cook for or reads your blog might become inspired.


We all deal with feelings of fear, uncertainty and vulnerability and unfortunately, most of us let those feelings dictate our actions. The only real failure is not taking any action in the first place. Take back the power and act from a place of love instead of fear.

Always speak and act with a kind heart


Good communication is a key factor to the foundation of any healthy and happy relationship. Personally if any of my relationships, romantic and platonic, don’t have good communication and trust I doubt there would be much of a relationship there, it would eventually crumble. By good communication I don’t mean being in contact with someone on a daily, weekly or monthly basis but when you do communicate with them you speak and act with a kind heart. 

You always have two choices. You can communicate from a standpoint of love or fear. When your communication is laced with sarcasm, blame, threat, anger, anxiety, worry and control, you are essentially communicating through fear. When your communication is laced with respect, appreciation, acceptance, joy, delight, wonder and kindness, you are essentially communicating through love. 

Two months ago I decided to always communicate and act out of love and not fear. I haven’t been perfect and sometimes I have acted out of fear when I took what someone said personally. But everyday I try and think before I speak and act and ensure I am always kind. The reason why I decided to do this is because I know that everything I say and do has an effect on others. I want my effect to be a positive one, not a negative. Harsh words can cut people deep, leave their scars inside people for days if not years and there isn’t any bandage or ointment you can apply to it to make it feel better. Kind words can heal people, they can bring light to their darkness and build them up so much they start to believe in themselves again. I want everyone to know they are good enough so I choose to be a healer. 

We often use language to criticise and attack others for example when you argue with your partner and instead of discussing the problem you attack them personally and bully them with your words to win the argument. How many times have you said something just to hurt someone? How many times have you retaliated to something hurtful said to you with more hurtful words? Two wrongs never make a right and even if you apologise for what you said, you can’t take the words back they have already done their damage. If you call someone a “horrible person” enough times sooner or later they will start to believe it and act in a way that a horrible person would act. They will begin to feel unloved, unwanted and rejected, eventually they might even consider suicide. Do you really want someone you love to believe they are a horrible person and want to feel like life is no longer worth living? Words do hurt – they chip away at who you are, at your self esteem, at your beliefs, at the things or people you once loved – choose your words wisely. 

In every interaction, we can make people feel better or worse. Great communicators leave people feeling better than they did. They say something of value to the other person or appreciate what the other person is saying to them. This happens when the communication isn’t just about the words, its about the people. Only say things when you have something of value to add to the conversation or discussion. Yes be honest but make sure your honesty is laced with love and not fear. 

Always remember that hurt people hurt people. So if someone says hurtful things to you they are themselves hurting. They don’t need anymore pain from you, they need healing. Be an encourager, a light in their darkness and always be kind.

In the last few months since I started speaking and acting with a kind heart I have noticed a massive change in a few of my close friends who are hurting. When you show someone love, they start to show love to themselves and others. Love is a Healer but most of all, it is Magic.  

To escape fear, you have to go through it, not around it

Last night I was exchanging messages with my friend Shawn. I really care about Shawn a lot and when we first met the intention was to date but for various reasons this didn’t work out so we decided to stay friends.

During the messages we got onto a subject which I would associate with more than “just friends”. All of a sudden a lump appeared in my throat and my replies started to become defensive. My conscious mind knew he was joking but because the subject matter hit a nerve with my fear of rejection I began to change. Luckily Shawn knows me and he recognised this and apologised. It wasn’t his fault of course, his comments were completely innocent but my limiting belief that at some point the guy who I like and likes me will reject me was triggered by his comments. His comments, in my mind, insinuated he liked me more than a friend and hence the rejection issue seeping in. 

I can have guy friends no problem but when it starts to cross the line, we both like each other in a sexual way, my anxiety comes to the forefront of my mind and I start to withhold love. As long as there is no flirting or sexual comments coming from my guy friend my anxiety is at peace. 

But this also happens when I date men. Once I know I like them and they like me my belief that I will get rejected at some point is triggered and I change who I am. I am no longer the real me, I put my mask on and start to pull away from them out of fear. I go into flight mode. 

This is something I am working on. I am scared of texting a guy in case I put him off, I am scared of telling them I don’t like partying in fear they will think I am boring, I am scared to have deep conversations with them in case they think I’m too emotional or intense. I’m scared of saying or doing anything that they won’t like. But I can’t live like this anymore. I want to fall in love and this belief is what is holding me back. 

To escape fear, you have to go through it, not around it. So I am going to start texting guys first, telling them exactly who I am and having those deep conversations. I know my anxiety will creep in but I will push through it. I am going to show love to those who have rejected me in the romantic sense, like Shawn because each time I give love it helps dissolve my fear. It makes me doubt my limiting belief and one day, maybe after years of giving out love, I will have built a new belief. A belief that a man won’t reject me and that I will fall in love. 

We are not capable of experiencing the quality of our lives directly. We are only capable of experiencing the quality of our thinking

This weekend I attended a two day life coach course with the Robert Simic Coaching Institute. This was the Personal Breakthrough Experience Workshop held at the Hilton Jumeriah Beach Hotel, Dubai.
Going into the Workshop I knew exactly what my fear was and what I needed to change but I didn’t know how to change it permanently. The first thing I learned was that to change anything in life you must be teachable and coachable. In order for you to change something you must approach subjects presented to you with an attitude of “I know that I don’t know what I don’t know”. Which will open you up for the new learnings and insights.
The reason why most people fail is they don’t ask for what they really want in life. Instead they are too busy concentrating on what they don’t want which is then what they end up receiving.
Cause (results) > Effect (reasons)
People who live on the effect side of life believe that things happen to them and that they have no power to change their reality thus disempowering themselves.
People who live on the cause side of life however accept responsibility for what happens to them and they believe they have power to change their reality thus empowering themselves.
To effectively change the results you are getting you must change your behaviour, to change your behaviour you must change your emotional state (your perceived reality and physiology), to change your emotional state you must change your CONDITIONING. Basically if you really want to change any result in your life, you should look at the root cause of the problem, which is always one (or a mixture) of our filters (needs, values, beliefs and your driving question) within our conditioning. Hence the statement “The world outside of us is a mirror image of what’s inside of us”.
My limiting belief is that I believe at some point the guy I’m dating will reject me, not because he doesn’t find me attractive or like my personality but because of some external factor. I believe this because when I was younger the first guy I liked rejected me and every guy since then has. Having 27 years of being rejecting by the guys you like can take its toll on you. However, during the course we got asked lots of questions which made me start to doubt my belief and I realised that this belief isn’t an absolute truth and there is a chance that it could be a misinterpretation or a misperception by my own mind.
I also found out that when my belief kicks in, around date 3 or 4 with a guy I like, I start to withhold love from him as I think I will get rejected so I am not being my true self and I am in a constant state of worry and anxiety. If this belief didn’t exist I would feel at peace, I would give love feely and unconditionally and I would be happy and free to be myself. Beliefs are nothing more than generalisations. I haven’t got rid of my belief just yet but doubt has started to seep in because I haven’t met everyone in the world yet, I still have plenty of time to meet someone and I am loveable and have lots of love to give.
The thing I want most in life is to fall in love but when my limiting belief comes into force I withhold love. To get love you have to give it first hence the saying “Be the change you want to see in the world”. So my limiting belief is holding me back when it comes to falling in love.
I am going to keep working on myself and nourish my inner world. I have registered for the full Life Coaching Course in February and hopefully that will give me more guidance on how to banish this belief once and for all and replace it with the new belief that I believe when I am ready I will fall in love with the right man.

The measure of love, is to love without measure

During 2015 I have learned a very valuable lesson about love. Not the romantic kind but true love. True love is unconditional. When love is conditional, it’s not true because you only give love on the basis that the other person will reach your expectations and if they don’t you are unhappy. If you take away the expectation and give love without expecting anything in return, you are giving love without any conditions. You are giving love purely to make the other person happy. That is true love. 

You text someone to see how their day is, not to get a text back but to make sure they know you care about them. You ask someone to dinner because you enjoy their company and when they cancel you accept it and rearrange and don’t get angry. You tell someone you love them because you want them to know how you feel about them, not so they say it back. You buy someone a present to show them how much you appreciate them, not so they buy you a present back. When your friend gets sick you give them even more love, you don’t give up on them because they can no longer serve your needs. True love is only giving! Love is a gift you give to people who you believe are worth your love. 

When you love with conditions it is based on fear, control and trying to change a person. True love accepts people exactly as they are, flaws and all. The moody friend who has a heart of gold, the friend who’s always late but never fails to put a smile on your face, the drama queen who is the sweetest person you will ever meet, the goody two shoes who is always there to listen to your troubles and build you up again and the friend who never texts back but when they do it’s like you never stopped talking and you’re reminded of why you love them. 

I’m not saying you should drop expectations when it comes to values and morals. If someone is toxic and having a negative affect on your life then you should probably cut them out. Unconditional love starts with yourself. So if you truly love yourself you won’t tolerate toxic people in your life, the kind that bring you down and make you feel worthless. But you should drop the expectations that everyone will react the same to a situation as you do. They are not you, they are their own person and unique and that is the reason why you came to love them in the first place. 

I used to do this sometimes. I would expect people to act the way I acted and when they didn’t I felt unloved. But that was because I didn’t love myself or them unconditionally. If you first love yourself unconditionally you can then love people from your overflow so you will never be short of love. I am now practicing unconditional love and learning to give without expecting anything in return. Learning to love people because I genuinely love them from my heart and that is enough. I’m saying “I love you and it doesn’t matter if you love me back because my love is pure, it isn’t conditional on anything you do or say to me”.

Not everyone shows love in the same way and if you remember that and give love without the expectation of receiving anything in return you will be eternally happy. 

Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us

Food is a wonderful thing isn’t it? it helps our bones grow, it builds our muscles and makes them stronger and it even transforms us from a child to an adult. But sometimes people use food in the wrong way, they use it to escape a negative feeling in their life.

Ever since I got bullied by Grace in primary school I have always had an issue with food. I used it to cope with the bullying and gained a lot of weight during my last year in primary school and my first few years in secondary school. Once I gained a few friends and began to trust again my food habits got healthier. However, after leaving secondary school and going out into the big wide world my issues with food reared their ugly head once again. I developed an eating disorder from the age of 19 to 22. I used food to cope with my low self-esteem and I lost a dramatic amount of weight. I was weak and unhealthy on the inside but everyone who could only see the outside of me thought I looked amazing. That is the problem with mental illness, no one can see it from the outside, you have to tell them what you are thinking on the inside. Eventually I admitted I had a problem with food, got help from a counsellor and I began to adopt a healthier attitude towards food.

However, occasionally when I feel a negative emotion I revert back to my old way of heading towards the fridge for comfort. On Wednesday night I was due to Skype a friend back home in Manchester but unfortunately she had to cancel last minute due to a sickness bug. I didn’t feel rejected as I know my friend loves me very much and she can’t help being ill but I instantly felt lonely and my mind turned towards food to ease that feeling. But before I stepped in the kitchen I went straight to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and I asked myself, why do you want food when you have just eaten dinner? I clearly wasn’t hungry so I knew it was because I felt lonely.

Instead of eating I texted two friends to see if they were available to call and one of them replied to say she was but not for an hour or so. I got my laptop out and I began to write a blog post, one that I had intended on writing the next evening but I knew it would keep me distracted until I spoke to my friend Jade later on. When Jade called an hour later my feelings of loneliness had passed and I no longer craved food for comfort. I had wrote my blog post and had a lovely catch up with my friend and then I went to bed.

Emotional eating isn’t about food at all. Its about your emotions. Once you’re aware that you’re an emotional eater the first step to overcome it is self-compassion. Don’t beat yourself up about it because that will only lead to more stress, which can lead to more emotional eating. My trigger for emotional eating is usually loneliness and/or rejection in some form. So when I start walking towards the kitchen, knowing I am already full, I stop and think before I act on my emotions. You need to get to know yourself and find out what your triggers are, write them down and keep the list somewhere you can see it the next time you drift towards the fridge or cookie jar. You can then choose how you respond to your emotions. I chose to contact a friend and write a blog post. Make a list of things you can do instead of eating away your feelings. It might be going for a walk, taking a bubble bath, painting your nails, reading a book or cleaning. Just make sure none of the activities involve food.

The truth is not all emotional eating is unhealthy. It’s normal and natural occasionally to eat to celebrate with friends or because you’re feeling blue. It only becomes a problem when it is used frequently to deal with your feelings instead of to satisfy hunger.

Its not easy to unlearn patterns of emotional eating, but it is possible. If you want to change your old habits of turning to food to fill your heart instead of your stomach then you can. You just have to make the choice and believe you can do it. Keep going and Don’t give up.